A *secret* project for *AFTER* 4.10

@ dmknght
no such issue on mine

the secret is Great ,i would really love it to have it
A Memory Comparison :
Memory Comparison-POS
My System : Parrot OS Home+Custom Tools v4.9

I ran it on my laptop, 16 gb ram so maybe it uses more ram. I also use full disk encryption so maybe it takes a little more. Ofc only memory comparison is not everything. The DE problem is runtime (stable, delay, power usage, 
). Also it depends on laptop model which is about hardware, firmware, 

:open_mouth: that seems too much ,if gets similar to KDE & Gnome(in Performance) , i’ll just return back to Good-Old “MATE”

ya ,ok

hmm ,i never used full disk encryption since i started using ,but i have read online it does not too much effect on performance unless the CPU is powerful enough or if the Drive has too much data.

i think it is better than gnome (load time after login is much better than gnome. The only problem was i tried desktopfolder which shows files and folders in desktop which makes load time be slower. I removed and it was better.
I’m not having a low spec device so i can’t make a good comparison. Low spec device is always a good test for all DE. DE can be as fast as others in strong PC / Laptop but with lower class of spec, it makes differences.

The point of this project is beautiful and modern looking interface. The cost is always performance. We’ll find a solution for this idea after team meeting. We have to think about user class and how we provide it.
But let’s think it in other way: we provide beautiful and friendly thing, we get more users, we can improve our new secret by users’s feed back and when we start improving our security hardening, it is becoming a good looking + extra security distro. It is a win win IMO. It is not only beautiful distro for developers but with security and privacy, so why not?


i just recently noticed that 80% of the CPU is being used on secret ,i’m unable to find/detect anything wrong on the secret

however the same process on Mate uses 2-10% CPU Only.

should be load time or it refresh data. I don’t always see that problem on my side.

I search on DDG about this hence i found this happens due to DE Windows Manager ,then i reinstalled the secret-wm ,but the issue was still there ,hence i started removing applets and found that this was happening because of “previews” named applet.
now the same process is similar to mate (4-15%now)

good to hear that. The idea is preview auto refresh to get the data everytime.
I just get some basic applets like quicknote and brightness so that won’t be so bad i believe.

BTW i still have to find the file manager and image viewer. Gonna check it later because of anonsurf development

as for file manager most of them are Distro-Specific
but for image viewer i would say to give a try out to gthumb

in my opinion it is pretty good image viewer.

Interfacce looks okay to me. How about right click and have some basic features like: open terminal, add archive files, 

All Details can be found : Here

Thank you that is a nice idea. I’ll add it to my list right now.

Load time is a little bad. IDK if they are using python for that code lul.

yes it it build on Python

OMG no wonder why. IT must be other package for that. Python is so slow.

Found other alternative. Now the problem should be only file manager

yeah that’s true

that’s Great :smiley:
(BTW i also found another ,*its build on Lua i assume : geeqie)

I’m not a fan of too many feature for 1 photo viewer. But microsoft should take a look at this project because their photo viewer NEVER works lul

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I found a good stand-alone file manager. It is called peony. Not the best out there but acceptable. It is written in QT. A - here is it doesn’t support system theme (QT problem?) so it doesn’t have dark theme. But + is it is very stand alone: it does’t have so many dependencies so install is easier and we don’t have to pull the whole different desktop environment

^^i tested on mine ,it appears same as yours
i also tested spacemf (mostly written on c) ,however it was last updated back in 2018 but it works fine

Github - Spacefm