changing titlebar buttos to right side

how do i change title bar buttons to right side in parrot os 4.9 KDE ???

Hi AmalThis Is quite simple.

Right click on your panel unlock widgets, then click option create a new panel. This will put a new panel at the top. Repeat the process to get one on the left and again to create one on the right.
All you have to do is then visit each of the panels you DONT want. Right click on panel options then configure panel. You can the find the option to remove panel. Repeat the process at each unwanted panel and hey presto you have configured a panel on the right.
when you have done use lock widget option and off you go.
Bon Voyage

Or you could also do this

and drag the icons/buttons of the title bar
you can open the same settings by right clicking on the titkle bar and selecting configure window manager under more options

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thanks bro…

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