connect to a hidden network wifi in parrot os

I don’t know how to connect to a hidden network wifi in parrot os.
for windows is simple you choose other network then type ssid of the wifi and then the password, but in parrot os i dont know how to do it.
need help, thank you.

Click on the network icon, then select Connect to Hidden Network (My system language is Italian)
Then on the window that will appear, type the SSID, select the Wifi Security (most of the times it’s wpa/wpa2 personal) then connect

the network icon of yours it’s not like mine, maybe we don’t run the same parrot os.
However i find the solution bymyself.
1- click on network icon;
2- click on configura network connections;
3- click add new connection;
4- choose wifi;
5- type the ssid of your network and check the hidden network icon;
6- type the password of your network in wifi secyrity.

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