Error importing OVA file on VMWare Player 16

1. Your Parrot information

  • OS version: Parrot OVA Security 4.11.1

2. Issue description

I’m trying to import the OVA file into VMWare Player 16. However, when I try to import, I get the error:

Line 150: Unsupported element ‘StorageItem’.

Line 159: Unsupported element ‘EthernetPortItem’.

I found here in this forum post the same issue for an older VMWare version, and an answer in the post states that VMWare is not officially supported for Parrot according to this list.

However, in the OVA download page, it states “Parrot Security Edition packed in a handful OVA file for VirtualBox and VMWare”. By this text, I understand that it should be easily imported to VMWare Player, with no errors.

How should I proceed?

It seems this version (4.11) is corrupted, the ISO file cannot boot either.

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