Greenbone security assistant

You need gvm gvmd ospd-openvas and gsa
openvas is the scanner, gvm and gvmd are the manager’s frontend and service, and gsa (if i’m right, is the web frontend)

Oh thank you. Seems like i have to test gvmd first.

p/s: gvmd is a Cmake project. Debian pkging compiled it with flags -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPostgreSQL_TYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/postgresql -DDEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/default -DLOGROTATE_DIR=/etc/logrotate.d. Now it’s going to be hard to debug because I haven’t worked with this before.

At you done with this ? I can’t help since I moved to Zorin OS (and might even get back to windows).
This stuff is really important GVM is like the warhammer when it comes to security and so you really should fix it before all your users go to kali.

Well I had to work on AnonSurf and other packaging stuff. Sad. And to be honest i don’t know what to do with this error.I mean even if i try to fix it, it’s better to fix from the original side which… you know…

Yeah i know. I mean the funny point is not only Parrot is having this issue. But we need to complete AnonSurf 4.0 very soon or users will use other distro because of dns problem.

Hi, is that set now ?
Not only an enquirer but also way to not let the thread close.
Let me know, I might just give it another try if you’r working on something else.

Fixed the bug :smiley: (discussed in other thread). I’m rebuilding package with Palinuro. Long story short: Debian and its based system are using multiarch library structure and GVM is using old structure.

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I noticed this change lately when some games just stopped working. Nice work man.

Well it’s easier to spot the bug if you have full time and energy to wokr on it. And i glad i had a chance to solve that shit.

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