I'm getting this error when installing something, can you tell me in detail what should I do?

I’m getting this error when installing something, can you tell me in detail what should I do?
– N: Ignoring file ‘parrot.list.dpkg-old’ in directory ‘/etc/apt/sources.list.d/’ as it has an invalid filename extension
, –

  • Parrot version in use 5.0 (LTS)"

  • Kernel version 5.15.0-15parrot1-amd64

  • Logs/Terminal output * – N: Ignoring file ‘parrot.list.dpkg-old’ in directory ‘/etc/apt/sources.list.d/’ as it has an invalid filename extension*

The parrot.list.dpkg-old file may belong to an earlier version of the package manager.
I would try to delete it:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/parrot.list.dpkg-old

rm : cannot remove `etc/apt/sources.list.d/parrot.list.dpgk-old’ : No such file or directory

Hi Foster,
you probably gave the command:
sudo rm etc/apt/sources.list.d/parrot.list.dpkg-old
instead of:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/parrot.list.dpkg-old

You have probably forgot the ‘/’ at the start.

the etc file is in the root (/) so you need to put that at the start.

I deleted this file but there is a file I can’t delete it I tried with rm -rf and chmod it didn’t work
sudo rm -rf snap.fbuilder.fbuilder.72/
rm: cannot remove ‘snap.fbuilder.fbuilder.72/raw_data’: İşleme izin verilmedi
rm: cannot remove ‘snap.fbuilder.fbuilder.72/raw_abi’: İşleme izin verilmedi
rm: cannot remove ‘snap.fbuilder.fbuilder.72/raw_sha1’: İşleme izin verilmedi
rm: cannot remove ‘snap.fbuilder.fbuilder.72/sha1’: İşleme izin verilmedi
rm: cannot remove ‘snap.fbuilder.fbuilder.72/attach’: İşleme izin verilmedi
rm: cannot remove ‘snap.fbuilder.fbuilder.72/mode’: İşleme izin verilmedi
rm: cannot remove ‘snap.fbuilder.fbuilder.72/name’: İşleme izin verilmedi

Ugh, Snap packages. LOL

At this point, you “may” need to reinstall fbuilder, then uninstall it:

sudo snap install fbuilder

sudo snap remove fbuilder

Hi Foster,
you are referring to a snap package. To remove it completely I would try to use the command:
sudo snap remove --purge fbuilder

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