Looking for the holy grail of pdfs to educate oneself

Hey folks, Paulie looking a few good pdfs books online that are very indeatph with the tools and there functions. Looking to expand my horizons of knowledge while i learn to code. Lot i find our outdated and not very informal as it shares very little. Thanks for the suggestions in advance.

Hi Chris,

I used a web-crawler to download the Kali Linux Tools documentation. I’ll probably find a way to convert to an indexed PDF.

I also reference the Blackarch Tools website.


Parrot has some PDF “Open Books” here:


Kali has also provided a free PDF book recently updated.

I’m assuming you know Linux already. Not sure what computer programming language you wish to pursue (I’m going with Python).

Learn through failure.

Break it till you make it.

,pdf’s help but we all know that reflex memory comes from trial and error. No one can walk before they crawl.

Something a bit more advanced https://tuts4you.com/

Contains the ‘holy grail’ of debugging/RCE (reverse code engineering)/learning assy., and more. The ‘dark arts’ involved in ‘cracking’ and actually creating exploits instead of script kiddie stuff. Has interactive tutorials (to do is to learn)

Your also going to want to go to the holiest of holy grail of all - post secondary education / learning object oriented programming languages such as python/java (I prefer python as a starting point)

THANK YOU for the the link.

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Esta genial

please pass that pdf this way too if you do , much appreciated if you can. @Masmer

It is now available via the Wayback Machine for some reason.

Be a professional, not a skid. Learn the knowledge, not the tutorials


i just logged to say Thank You for this!
Every learn path looks great and actually i start with MA, lucky that i back here for a while!
I hope project will survive and grow. OST2 is related somehow to Parrot OS? or it’s just learning source you recommend?
Happy New Year btw. and good luck with your rkcheck project!

OST2 has nothing to do with Parrot OS. It is 1 of best free learning courses out there

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Thank You for sharing this! have a nice day!

The parrot archive url of “open books” has changed currently its on,

Screenshot of the mentioned url:

Hello. Check it again: https://archive.parrotsec.org/parrot/misc/misc/openbooks/

j0hnnyhax, the legend. LOL!

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Hey moron. I should know better then to click links but your link to porn is just fucked up.

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