Password crack creating wordlist

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Hey everyone so looking for little advise im new at linux but starting early I’m 14years old and im trying to create a wordlist. That is 8 long and I have first 4 already which is lower case vann and last four are numbers last four of birth date or social been stuck for weeks now someone help me ive been using crunch thank you

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Learn to use python, itertools lib and something called permutation. You will see the way :wink:

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So what do we know

  • 8 characters long
  • First 4 are ‘vann’
  • Last 4 are numbers

With crunch, you could use this command to generate a wordlist.

crunch 8 8 -t vann%%%% -o ./wordlist.txt

The two 8’s represent the min and max length.

The -t option allows you to create a mask, so the first 4 are always ‘vann’ and the last 4 are generated numbers. (’%’ represents 0-9)

The -o option is just the output file.

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Right on that what i was looking for… awesome been working my brain off… Thank’s Bro

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