does anyone know why i can’t upgrade to php 8.1? Has anyone else had problems? apparently they are the repositories but nowhere do I find the correct repositories to accept the php update.

I think it just hasn’t been updated for Parrot 5.1 yet.


└──╼ $php -v
PHP 7.4.30 (cli) (built: Jul  7 2022 15:51:43) ( NTS )


└─# php -v    
PHP 8.1.5 (cli) (built: May 16 2022 17:15:25) (NTS)

Note that Kali is a Debian Rolling distro, where as Parrot 5.x is now a Debian LTS distro.

… this latest version of Parrot OS is a great choice for both hackers and security-minded internet users because, in contrast with previous versions, the last update follows a pattern of an LTS (long-term support) version.

Source: Why Parrot OS 5.0 LTS “Electro Ara” is a milestone

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Thanks, yes I realized that I need to wait for the updates from debian to PHP 8