Problem with installing Custom GIT Package

I have installed Parrot OS on my MSI GS65
NVIDIA is Working with Hashcat
The laptop is running very hot
I found this tool that i am trying to install

I cant get it to work

Yo! Wanna walk us through what you’re experiencing a bit? Take us back and walk us through your installation process then through any bugs/crashes/wormholes to other dimensions you experienced. Also add any terminal output, error logs, screen shots, or anything you think is relevant.

Also maybe there is a way to configure your rig to spool down some resources when you run Hashcat. This could relieve some of the processing stress on your system. I’m by no means an expert in hardware optimization, but if the machine is hauling ass throwing another hardware intensive process on the stack might make things more painful.

I am not an expert in Linux and spent the last week installing all the drivers and configurations.
My hardware Fan is not recognized by Parrot’s drivers
git clone
I used that to download ISW for MSI Laptops Fancontrol
But i dont know what the command is to install it.
I read something about the sources.list and tried something out
But i cannot find the debian package

git clone
sudo apt-get install isw
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package isw

Thanks. If you run apt search isw you’ll notice that isw doesn’t appear on the list which means it’s not included in the Parrot apt repository. You’ll have to build it manually :slight_smile:

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