Steam play

Hi there,
has anyone tried this: ?

this is for ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-396

How to perform it here? Asking because there is a big NO for adding a new repository to Parrot here and actually I couldnt find how to do this.

I only had to click an option to use steam play on all titles to get to install, I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m not going to do anything with drivers though.

E: Yea, with the nvidia drivers from parrot repo it works just fine for me. game installed and runs about the same as if i were using playonlinux.

parrot already includes nvidia drivers.

don’t install them from an external repo, as you would just get a non-working version of what you already have on the official repo

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thx fellas