Testing for AnonSurf 2.13.8

We are developing AnonSurf 2.13.8 with bug fixes and some rework / fix. Here is the template report for test case. Please follow the instructions to test AnonSurf. If anybody has improvement for test case please comment so i’ll update it.
p/s: 2 problems

  1. /etc/tor/torrc/ missing and may prevent tor or anonsurf from install / upgrade. Fix sudo touch /etc/tor/torrc
  2. After upgrade to latest anonsurf version, tor may not work and journalctl -b -u [email protected] shows nothing. Tor must be reinstall (sudo apt install tor --reinstall) to make every works fine.

Link download https://nest.parrotsec.org/packages/tools/anonsurf/-/jobs/2004/artifacts/download

Test case is using markdown format

# Parrot - AnonSurf quality test [0.9]

- Nong Hoang "DmKnght" Tu <[email protected]>
- Date: 05/07/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)

# Report
- [Your name and email]
- Date: [02/07/2020 (DD/MM/YY)]
- Version: [anonsurf_2.13.8+parrot2 (job 2009)]

## 1. Installation

1. Install with no problem
2. Give solutions if install failed
3. Check dependencies, version name
4. systemd doesn't enable AnonSurf at boot during installation

*Known issues*

|  Problem                             |  Solution                                          |
| Torrc is missing at `/etc/tor/torrc` | `sudo touch /etc/tor/torrc` then upgrade / install |
|                                      |                                                    |

### a) [User] [Installer] Use deb file
- Download deb file was built by nest CI script. For example: https://nest.parrotsec.org/packages/tools/anonsurf/-/jobs/2029/artifacts/download
- I'll give most stable deb file URL for the test.

|            |                      |
|  Excpected | Install without error|
|  Notice    | Any error            |

### b) [Dev] [Builder] Use devscripts to make new deb file

- Install `devscripts` and other requirements for Debian packaging
- Clone AnonSurf `https://nest.parrotsec.org/packages/tools/anonsurf/`
- Use `debuild -us -uc -b` to make debian package from source
- Install from deb file `sudo dpkg -i <anonsurf.deb>`

|            |                               |
|  Excpected | Install without error         |
|  Notice    | - Error or warn while building|
|            | - Missing dependencies        |
|            | - Debian standard             |

### c) Result (example)

|  Installation                           | Problem                                |
|                                         |                                     -- |
|-----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------  |
|  I used deb file from... version 2.13.x | Installation failed, missing torrc     |
|  I ran debuild -us -uc -b               | - Install failed **missing package X** |
|                                         | - Warn litian **binary not in package**|

## 2. User experiences

*Goal: How users use software for the first time*

1. Description in package (apt show): Do we have enough description in it?
2. Help page: enough information? Can new user understand and use it? Grammar
3. Man page: Enough information? Can user understand it? grammar
4. [Dev] Can user or dev understand the basic concept of AnonSurf (how it works)
5. [Dev] Can dev understand the code structure design, and be a new contributor


1. [ ] Description in `apt show anonsurf` is good. **Anything wrong write here**

2. [ ] Help page from AnonSurf command is good
    - [ ] Show clear version, contact information
    - [ ] User can understand the program, copyright, ...
    - [ ] Do not take so much space
    - [ ] All commands are easy to understand
    - [ ] No feature is missing features
    - [ ] No old features need to remove
    - [ ] No grammar error
    - .... **Anything wrong write here**

3. [ ] Manpage of AnonSurf (`man anonsurf`) is good
     - [ ] Name and usage is easy to read and understand
     - [ ] Description explain well
     - [ ] No feauture is missing
     - [ ] No old feature need to remove
     - [ ] Grammar error
     - ... **Write anything wrong here**

## 4. Usage
### 1. Core features
#### a) Commands
- `start` will connect the machine to Tor network. **Must not run when anonsurf is running**.
- `stop` will stop Tor connection. **Must run when anonsurf is running**.
- `restart` stop and start anonsurf again. **Must run when anonsurf is running**.
#### b) Workflow
- Start: execute AnonSurf start command
- AnonSurf script call `make-torrc` binary which
    - Ask if user wants to kill some apps and clear cache
    - Generates new hash and password
        - Save hash to torrc, save torrc to `/etc/tor/torrc`. It uses `/etc/anonsurf/torrc.base` for core configurations and generate some configurations base on current connection
        - Save password in cleartext to `/etc/anonsurf/nyxrc` so we can use it for ControlPort
    - Start `tor` service. Tor now use new configuration in `/etc/tor/torrc` we've generated
    - Start AnonSurf daemon

- AnonSurf daemon script is anonsurfd which actually is a bash script that
    - Clear IPTables rules (TODO we use other way to do it easily later)
    - Create backup of resolv.conf and use localhost only (call `/usr/bin/dnstool`)
    - Disable IPv6 on system
    - Create IPTables rules to forward all trafic to Tor
    - Only allow traffic by Tor user go to internet

#### c) Verify, troubleshooting
- Tor can connect to network (`anonsurf myip` show IP and "You are connected to tor")
- `anonsurf status` call nyx and show network bandwitch
- Use browser normally (need to confirm other protocols)
- `/etc/resolv.conf` must be `nameserver`
- Iptables must have ruleset (need verify and confirm here by anybody knows IPTables)
  -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 109 -j ACCEPT
  -A OUTPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
- Trouble shooting:
      - `journalctl -b -u <service name>` to show error log. For example `journalctl -b -u [email protected]`
      - `netstat -antp` to show open ports. Tor must open 9050, 9051, 9040
      - Verify DNS, IPTables rules

### 2. Extras features
##### a) Commands
- status: Use nyx command with pre-written password to "watch" the bandwitch **AnonSurf must be running**
- changeid: Auto change current nodes **AnonSurf must be running**
- myip: Display current IP Adress and Tor status. **Doesn't require AnonSurf is running**
- status-boot: Display if AnonSurf daemon is enabled at boot **Doesn't require AnonSurf is running**
- enable-boot / disable-boot: Enable / disable AnonSurf at boot **Doesn't require AnonSurf is running**
- dnstool: Go to be standalone tool. Must use stand-alone test case with similar format **Doesn't require AnonSurf is running**

### 5. Test AnonSurf
#### a) Before start
    - [ ] Run `dnstool status` show current DNS settings (not localhost or Under AnonSurf connection)
    - [ ] Run `anonsurf myip` show current IP Address and "Not connect to Tor"
    - [ ] Run `anonsurf changeid` shows Anonsurf is not running.
    - [ ] Run `anonsurf status` shows `AnonSurf is not running!`
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **dnstool shows wrong status...**

#### b) Start
1. Run `sudo anonsurf start`
    - [ ] Can anonsurf start? All services (tor, anonsurfd is actived)
    - [ ] All configurations is good after start
        - [ ] run `dnstool status`, show `Under AnonSurf`
        - [ ] resolv.conf is having only `nameserver`
        - [ ] `/etc/tor/torrc` is having valid config (`tor --verify-config -f /etc/tor/torrc`)
        - [ ] Tor control ports are opens
        - [ ] IPTables is having custom rules (*See list of custom rules above*)
    - [ ] `anonsurf myip` shows IP Address and `You are connected to Tor`
    - [ ] `sudo anonsurf start` shows anonsurf is running
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **I see warning when start...**

2. Run `anonsurf changeid`
    - [ ] Terminal shows responses of Control port (250)
    - [ ] `anonsurf myip` shows new IP Address and `You are connected to Tor`
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **Can't not change ID...**

3. Run `sudo anonsurf restart`
    - [ ] All service (tor ,anonsurfd) is restared
    - [ ] `anonsurf myip` show new IP and still under Tor network
    - [ ] `/etc/tor/torrc` has new hash
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **Can't not restart service...***

#### c) Stop
1. Stop AnonSurf by user
    - [ ] All configurations is good after stop
        - [ ] `dnstool status` doesn't show `localhost` or `under anonsurf`
        - [ ] `/etc/resolv.conf` has the same configuration before start anonsurf
        - [ ] All services are stopped (tor, anonsurfd)
        - [ ] Tor control ports are closed
        - [ ] iptables no longer has the rules (*See list of custom rules above*)
    - [ ] `anonsurf myip` show current IP Address and "Not connect to Tor"
    - [ ] `anonsurf status` shows `AnonSurf is not running!`
    - [ ] `anonsurf changeid` shows AnonSurf is not running.
    - [ ] `sudo anonsurf stop` shows AnonSurf is not running
    - [ ] `sudo anonsurf restart` shows AnonSurf is not running
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **Stop doesn't restore this setting...***

2. Stop by rebooting (**Disabled start at boot**)
*This is stand-alone test after start anonsurf. Run the reboot*
    - [ ] All configurations is good after reboot
        - [ ] `dnstool status` doesn't show `localhost` or `under anonsurf`
        - [ ] `/etc/resolv.conf` has the same configuration before start anonsurf
        - [ ] All services are stopped (tor, anonsurfd)
        - [ ] Tor control ports are closed
        - [ ] iptables no longer has the rules (*See list of custom rules above*)
    - [ ] `anonsurf myip` show current IP Address and "Not connect to Tor"
    - [ ] `anonsurf status` shows `AnonSurf is not running!`
    - [ ] `anonsurf changeid` shows Anonsurf is not running.
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **Reboot doesn't restore this setting...***

#### d) Boot commands
    - [ ] After installation and no custom enable / disable boot. `anonsurf status-boot` show `AnonSurf is disabled`
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **It is showing wrong status...***
1. Enable boot
    - [ ] Run `sudo anonsurf enable-boot`, terminal shows create symlink
    - [ ] `anonsurf status-boot` show `AnonSurf is enabled!`
    - [ ] Run `sudo anonsurf enable-boot` again, terminal shows `Anonsurf is already enabled`
    - [ ] Reboot system, AnonSurf starts at boot
        - [ ] Can anonsurf start? All services (tor, anonsurfd is actived)
        - [ ] All configurations is good after start
            - [ ] run `dnstool status`, show `Under AnonSurf`
            - [ ] resolv.conf is having only `nameserver`
            - [ ] `/etc/tor/torrc` is having valid config (`tor --verify-config -f /etc/tor/torrc`)
            - [ ] Tor control ports are opens
            - [ ] IPTables is having custom rules (*See list of custom rules above*)
        - [ ] `anonsurf myip` shows IP Address and `You are connected to Tor`
        *Test change id `anonsurf changeid`*
        - [ ] Terminal shows responses of Control port (250)
        - [ ] `anonsurf myip` shows new IP Address and `You are connected to Tor`
        *Test restart `sudo anonsurf restart`*
        - [ ] All service (tor ,anonsurfd) is restared
        - [ ] `anonsurf myip` show new IP and still under Tor network
        - [ ] `/etc/tor/torrc` has new hash
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **Start at boot doesn't work...***

2. Disable boot
*Run `sudo anonsurf disable-boot`*
    - [ ] If AnonSurf wasn't enabled, it shows `AnonSurf wasn't disabled. Nothing to disable!`
    - [ ] If AnonSurf was enabled, it shows `Remove symlink`
    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - **It can't disable AnonSurf at boot...**

*Reboot system after `sudo anonsurf disable-boot`. Enable-boot was enabled before*
    - [ ] All configurations is good after reboot
        - [ ] `dnstool status` doesn't show `localhost` or `under anonsurf`
        - [ ] `/etc/resolv.conf` has the same configuration before start anonsurf
        - [ ] All services are stopped (tor, anonsurfd)
        - [ ] Tor control ports are closed
        - [ ] iptables no longer has the rules (*See list of custom rules above*)
    - [ ] `anonsurf myip` show current IP Address and "Not connect to Tor"
    - [ ] `anonsurf status` shows `AnonSurf is not running!`
    - [ ] `anonsurf changeid` shows Anonsurf is not running.

    **...Write anything wrong here...**
    - *** This setting doesn't work***

## 6. All problems that dev have to fix
- **My code suxx**

Parrot - AnonSurf quality test [0.6]


  • Nong Hoang Tu
  • Date: 03/07/2020 (DD/MM/YY)
  • Version: anonsurf_2.13.8+parrot8

1. Installation


  1. Install with no problem
  2. Give solutions if install failed
  3. Check dependencies, version name
  4. systemd doesn’t enable AnonSurf at boot during installation

Known issues

Problem Solution
Torrc is missing at /etc/tor/torrc sudo touch /etc/tor/torrc then upgrade / install

a) [User] [Installer] Use deb file

Excpected Install without error
Notice Any error

b) [Dev] [Builder] Use devscripts to make new deb file

  • Install devscripts and other requirements for Debian packaging
  • Use debuild -us -uc -b to make debian package from source
  • Install from deb file
Excpected Install without error
Notice - Error or warn while building
- Missing dependencies
- Debian standard

c) Result (example)

| Installation | Problem |

I used deb file from… version 2.13.8_parrot3 warn: old anonsurf pacakge post-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 1 torrc not found
* /etc/tor/torrc not found (post-removal script problem)

2. User experiences

Goal: How users use software for the first time

  1. Description in package (apt show): Do we have enough description in it?
  2. Help page: enough information? Can new user understand and use it? Grammar
  3. Man page: Enough information? Can user understand it? grammar
  4. [Dev] Can user or dev understand the basic concept of AnonSurf (how it works)
  5. [Dev] Can dev understand the code structure design, and be a new contributor


  1. [ ] Description in apt show anonsurf is good. Anything wrong write here

  2. [ ] Help page from AnonSurf command is good

    • [ ] Show clear version, contact information
    • [ ] User can understand the program, copyright, …
    • [ ] Do not take so much space
    • [ ] All commands are easy to understand
    • [ ] No feature is missing features
    • [ ] No old features need to remove
    • [ ] No grammar error
    • Anything wrong write here
  3. [ ] Manpage of AnonSurf (man anonsurf) is good

    • [ ] Name and usage is easy to read and understand
    • [ ] Description explain well
    • [ ] No feauture is missing
    • [ ] No old feature need to remove
    • [ ] Grammar error
    • Write anything wrong here

4. Usage

1. Core features

a) Commands

  • start will connect the machine to Tor network. Must not run when anonsurf is running.
  • start-bridge uses bridge to connect to Tor network. Must not run when anonsurf is running.
  • stop will stop Tor connection. Must run when anonsurf is running.
  • restart stop and start anonsurf again. Must run when anonsurf is running.

b) Workflow

  • Start and start-bridge: execute AnonSurf start / start-bridge command

  • AnonSurf script call make-torrc binary which

    • Ask if user wants to kill some apps and clear cache
    • Generates new hash and password
      • Save hash to torrc, save torrc to /etc/tor/torrc. It uses /etc/anonsurf/torrc.base for core configurations and generate some configurations base on current connection mode (normal or bridge)
      • Save password in cleartext to /etc/anonsurf/nyxrc so we can use it for ControlPort
    • Start tor service. Tor now use new configuration in /etc/tor/torrc we’ve generated
    • Start AnonSurf daemon
  • AnonSurf daemon script is anonsurfd which actually is a bash script that

    • Clear IPTables rules (TODO we use other way to do it easily later)
    • Create backup of resolv.conf and use localhost only (call /usr/bin/dnstool)
    • Disable IPv6 on system
    • Create IPTables rules to forward all trafic to Tor
    • Only allow traffic by Tor user go to internet

c) Verify, troubleshooting

  • Tor can connect to network (anonsurf myip show IP and “You are connected to tor”)
  • anonsurf status call nyx and show network bandwitch
  • Use browser normally (need to confirm other protocols)
  • /etc/resolv.conf must be nameserver
  • Iptables must have ruleset (need verify and confirm here by anybody knows IPTables)
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 109 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
  • Trouble shooting:
    - journalctl -b -u <service name> to show error log. For example journalctl -b -u [email protected]
    - netstat -antp to show open ports. Tor must open 9050, 9051, …
    - Verify DNS, IPTables rules

d) Report

  1. Normal mode

    • [x] Can anonsurf start?
    • [x] Can it restart
    • [x] Network connection is okay, client can connect to tor
    • [x] All configurations is good after start
      • [x] resolv.conf is having only
      • [x] /etc/tor/torrc is having valid config (tor --verify-config -f /etc/tor/torrc)
      • [x] All services (tor, anonsurfd is actived)
      • [x] Tor control ports are opens
      • [x] IPTables is having custom rules
    • [x] Start AnonSurf then reboot, internet connection works fine, all configurations are cleared
    • [x] Can it stop?
    • [x] All configurations are cleared after stop
    • …Write anything wrong here…
    • Restart asks kill apps 2 times
  2. Bridge mode

    • [x] Can anonsurf start-bridge
    • [x] Can it restart
    • [x] Network connection is okay, client can connect to tor
    • [ ] All configurations is good after start
      • [x] resolv.conf is having only
      • [ ] /etc/tor/torrc is having valid config (tor --verify-config -f /etc/tor/torrc)
      • [ ] All services (tor, anonsurfd is actived)
      • [ ] Tor control ports are opens
      • [x] IPTables is having custom rules
    • [ ] Start AnonSurf then reboot, internet connection works fine, all configurations are cleared
    • [x] Can it stop?
    • [x] All configurations are cleared after stop
    • …Write anything wrong here…
    • Torrc error bridge has free server
    • Restart asks kill apps 2 times

2. Extras features

a) Commands
  • status: Use nyx command with pre-written password to “watch” the bandwitch AnonSurf must be running
  • changeid: Auto change current nodes AnonSurf must be running
  • myip: Display current IP Adress and Tor status. Doesn’t require AnonSurf is running
  • status-boot: Display if AnonSurf daemon is enabled at boot Doesn’t require AnonSurf is running
  • enable-boot / disable-boot: Enable / disable AnonSurf at boot Doesn’t require AnonSurf is running
  • dnstool: Go to be standalone tool. Must use stand-alone test case with similar format Doesn’t require AnonSurf is running

b) Report

  • [x] status command shows AnonSurf is not running when AnonSurf is enabled
  • [x] status command opens nyx when AnonSurf is running, no password ask (run nyx command from terminal still shows Tor control password
  • [x] My IP show current IP and not connect to Tor network when anonsurf is disabled
  • [x] My IP show current IP and Connected to Tor when AnonSurf is disabled
  • [x] My IP show Network error when it get no IP address
  • [x] Enable boot triggers systemd to enable it at boot
  • [x] Enable boot doesn’t run when it is already enabled
  • [x] Reboot when Enable boot is used runs AnonSurf with system
  • [x] Disable boot triggers systemd to remove it at boot
  • [x] After disable boot, reboot doesn’t run AnonSurf with system
  • [x] boot status show correct status when AnonSurf is enabled / disabled
  • [x] Changeid shows AnonSurf is not running when AnonSurf is off
  • [x] ChangeID changes current nodes (verify by myip command) when AnonSurf is running
  • Enable boot reuse torrc -> missing torrc, invalid torrc
  • ChangeID ask root permission which doesn’t need in this version

5. All problems that dev have to fix

  • Restart asks kill apps 2 times
  • Bridge mode torrc error
  • Enable boot can makes error because of missing torrc or invalid torrc
  • ChangeID ask root permission which doesn’t need in this version
1 Like

Parrot - AnonSurf quality test [0.8]


  • Nong Hoang Tu [email protected]
  • Date: 05/07/2020 (DD/MM/YY)
  • Version: anonsurf_2.13.8+parrot3 (job 2029)

1. Installation


  1. Install with no problem
  2. Give solutions if install failed
  3. Check dependencies, version name
  4. systemd doesn’t enable AnonSurf at boot during installation

Known issues

Problem Solution
Torrc is missing at /etc/tor/torrc sudo touch /etc/tor/torrc then upgrade / install

a) [User] [Installer] Use deb file

Excpected Install without error
Notice Any error

b) [Dev] [Builder] Use devscripts to make new deb file

  • Install devscripts and other requirements for Debian packaging
  • Use debuild -us -uc -b to make debian package from source
  • Install from deb file
Excpected Install without error
Notice - Error or warn while building
- Missing dependencies
- Debian standard

c) Result (example)

| Installation | Problem |

I used deb file from… version 2.13.x Installation failed, missing torrc
I ran debuild -us -uc -b - Install failed missing package X
- Warn litian binary not in package

2. User experiences

Goal: How users use software for the first time

  1. Description in package (apt show): Do we have enough description in it?
  2. Help page: enough information? Can new user understand and use it? Grammar
  3. Man page: Enough information? Can user understand it? grammar
  4. [Dev] Can user or dev understand the basic concept of AnonSurf (how it works)
  5. [Dev] Can dev understand the code structure design, and be a new contributor


  1. [ ] Description in apt show anonsurf is good. Anything wrong write here

  2. [ ] Help page from AnonSurf command is good

    • [ ] Show clear version, contact information
    • [ ] User can understand the program, copyright, …
    • [ ] Do not take so much space
    • [ ] All commands are easy to understand
    • [ ] No feature is missing features
    • [ ] No old features need to remove
    • [ ] No grammar error
    • Anything wrong write here
  3. [ ] Manpage of AnonSurf (man anonsurf) is good

    • [ ] Name and usage is easy to read and understand
    • [ ] Description explain well
    • [ ] No feauture is missing
    • [ ] No old feature need to remove
    • [ ] Grammar error
    • Write anything wrong here

4. Usage

1. Core features

a) Commands

  • start will connect the machine to Tor network. Must not run when anonsurf is running.
  • start-bridge uses bridge to connect to Tor network. Must not run when anonsurf is running.
  • stop will stop Tor connection. Must run when anonsurf is running.
  • restart stop and start anonsurf again. Must run when anonsurf is running.

b) Workflow

  • Start and start-bridge: execute AnonSurf start / start-bridge command

  • AnonSurf script call make-torrc binary which

    • Ask if user wants to kill some apps and clear cache
    • Generates new hash and password
      • Save hash to torrc, save torrc to /etc/tor/torrc. It uses /etc/anonsurf/torrc.base for core configurations and generate some configurations base on current connection mode (normal or bridge)
      • Save password in cleartext to /etc/anonsurf/nyxrc so we can use it for ControlPort
    • Start tor service. Tor now use new configuration in /etc/tor/torrc we’ve generated
    • Start AnonSurf daemon
  • AnonSurf daemon script is anonsurfd which actually is a bash script that

    • Clear IPTables rules (TODO we use other way to do it easily later)
    • Create backup of resolv.conf and use localhost only (call /usr/bin/dnstool)
    • Disable IPv6 on system
    • Create IPTables rules to forward all trafic to Tor
    • Only allow traffic by Tor user go to internet

c) Verify, troubleshooting

  • Tor can connect to network (anonsurf myip show IP and “You are connected to tor”)
  • anonsurf status call nyx and show network bandwitch
  • Use browser normally (need to confirm other protocols)
  • /etc/resolv.conf must be nameserver
  • Iptables must have ruleset (need verify and confirm here by anybody knows IPTables)
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 109 -j ACCEPT
    -A OUTPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
  • Trouble shooting:
    - journalctl -b -u <service name> to show error log. For example journalctl -b -u [email protected]
    - netstat -antp to show open ports. Tor must open 9050, 9051, …
    - Verify DNS, IPTables rules

d) Report

  1. Normal mode

    • [x] Can anonsurf start?
    • [x] Can it restart
    • [ ] Network connection is okay, client can connect to tor
    • [ ] All configurations is good after start
      • [x] resolv.conf is having only
      • [ ] /etc/tor/torrc is having valid config (tor --verify-config -f /etc/tor/torrc)
      • [x] All services (tor, anonsurfd is actived)
      • [ ] Tor control ports are opens
      • [x] IPTables is having custom rules
    • [ ] Start AnonSurf then reboot, internet connection works fine, all configurations are cleared
    • [x] Can it stop?
    • [x] All configurations are cleared after stop
    • …Write anything wrong here…
    • Mising torrc. It is written in /etc/anonsurf/torrc only
  2. Bridge mode - Removed in this version

2. Extras features

a) Commands
  • status: Use nyx command with pre-written password to “watch” the bandwitch AnonSurf must be running
  • changeid: Auto change current nodes AnonSurf must be running
  • myip: Display current IP Adress and Tor status. Doesn’t require AnonSurf is running
  • status-boot: Display if AnonSurf daemon is enabled at boot Doesn’t require AnonSurf is running
  • enable-boot / disable-boot: Enable / disable AnonSurf at boot Doesn’t require AnonSurf is running
  • dnstool: Go to be standalone tool. Must use stand-alone test case with similar format Doesn’t require AnonSurf is running

b) Report

  • [x] status command shows AnonSurf is not running when AnonSurf is enabled
  • [-] status command opens nyx when AnonSurf is running, no password ask (run nyx command from terminal still shows Tor control password (can not test, anonsurf can’t start - bug)
  • [x] My IP show current IP and not connect to Tor network when anonsurf is disabled
  • [-] My IP show current IP and Connected to Tor when AnonSurf is enabled (can’t test)
  • [x] My IP show Network error when it get no IP address
  • [x] Enable boot triggers systemd to enable it at boot
  • [x] Enable boot doesn’t run when it is already enabled
  • [-] Reboot when Enable boot is used runs AnonSurf with system
  • [x] Disable boot triggers systemd to remove it at boot
  • [x] After disable boot, reboot doesn’t run AnonSurf with system
  • [x] boot status show correct status when AnonSurf is enabled / disabled
  • [-] Changeid shows AnonSurf is not running when AnonSurf is off (can’t test)
  • [-] ChangeID changes current nodes (verify by myip command) when AnonSurf is running (can’t test)
  • …Write anything wrong here…

5. All problems that dev have to fix

  • My code suxx

Quick test after lunch

Parrot - AnonSurf quality test [0.9]


  • Nong Hoang Tu [email protected]

  • Date: 05/07/2020 (DD/MM/YY)

  • Version: anonsurf_2.13.9+parrot0

5. Test AnonSurf

a) Before start

- [x] Run `dnstool status` show current DNS settings (not localhost or Under AnonSurf connection)
- [x] Run `anonsurf myip` show current IP Address and "Not connect to Tor"
- [x] Run `anonsurf changeid` shows Anonsurf is not running.
- [x] Run `anonsurf status` shows `AnonSurf is not running!`
**...Write anything wrong here...**

b) Start

  1. Run sudo anonsurf start

    • [x] Can anonsurf start? All services (tor, anonsurfd is actived)
    • [x] All configurations is good after start
      • [x] run dnstool status, show Under AnonSurf
      • [x] resolv.conf is having only nameserver
      • [x] /etc/tor/torrc is having valid config (tor --verify-config -f /etc/tor/torrc)
      • [x] Tor control ports are opens
      • [x] IPTables is having custom rules (See list of custom rules above)
    • [x] anonsurf myip shows IP Address and You are connected to Tor
    • [x] sudo anonsurf start shows anonsurf is running
      …Write anything wrong here…
    • Tor warn: Bad password or authentication cookie on controller (password & hash matched)
  2. Run anonsurf changeid

    • [ ] Terminal shows responses of Control port (250)
    • [ ] anonsurf myip shows new IP Address and You are connected to Tor
      …Write anything wrong here…
    • Authentication error: password in nyxrc doesn’t match
  3. Run sudo anonsurf restart

    • [x] All service (tor ,anonsurfd) is restared
    • [ ] anonsurf myip show new IP and still under Tor network
    • [x] /etc/tor/torrc has new hash
      …Write anything wrong here…
    • Tor warn Bad password or authentication cookie on controller

hi, after installing 2.13.8 everything is hunky dory and works fine. The only thing I cannot get to function is ‘myip’ I just get a blank. Have checked ipleaktest and it shows I am operating correctly.

Operating System: Parrot GNU/Linux 4.10
KDE Plasma Version: 5.17.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.70.0
Qt Version: 5.12.5
Kernel Version: 5.6.0-2parrot1-amd64
OS Type: 64-bit
Processors: 4 × Intel® Core™ i3-5005U CPU @ 2.00GHz
Memory: 7.8 GiB of RAM

Keep doing good things

I rewrote the MyIP. Now it has 3 states: Not under anonsurf, under anonsurf, error. Please check if /usr/bin/anonsurf has the function first.

i’ll try to keep it brief,and hopefully informative,as i don’t know if my issues is system,network,or user related.from the looks of it,it’s likely all three…

upon attempting to install the test version,i’m unable to do so because of the message suggesting using an older version.
now,i have seen this before,when you released an earlier test,but this is a bit different ,because it wouldn’t allow me to override the suggestion and proceed with installing the deb. package…

i went as far as to uninstall the system version of anonsurf,and also to reinstall tor,thinking it may allow me to install your test version a bit easier,but,still no luck…
upon reinstalling the current version of anonsurf,and tor,i received these warnings displayed below.
which i’m thinking they are likely my issue with anonsurf not working…?

Screenshot at 2020-07-08 10-37-14

i’m hopeful that you can explain it in a way i can understand,so that i can resolve the issue,and perhaps retest both versions…

Thank for prompt reply, the only reference to ip in /usr/bin/anonsurf are below:
function ip {
MYIP=wget -qO- https://start.parrotsec.org/ip/
echo -e “\nMy ip is:\n”
echo $MYIP
echo -e “\n”
notify “My IP is:\n\n$MYIP”

so I guess it has no function on my system. No worries I only really posted for your info.

Be good

This is older version. I don’t remember if zip version i send has the change but i’m sure if you use latest version on nest you have the fix

I wrote everything in the template. If you don’t understand i recommend you not do the test.

Parrot - AnonSurf test

Nong Hoang “DmKnght” Tu [email protected]

Date: 0_/07/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)


by @i_have_treasure To Nong Hoang “DmKnght” > [email protected]

Date: 09/07/2020 (DD/MM/YY)

Version: anonsurf_2.13.8+parrot0
  1. Test AnonSurf
    a) Before start
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Run dnstool status show current DNS settings (not localhost or Under AnonSurf connection)
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Run anonsurf myip show current IP Address and “Not connect to Tor”
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Run anonsurf changeid shows Anonsurf is not running.
  • [:heavy_check_mark:] Run anonsurf status shows AnonSurf is not running!
    …Write anything wrong here…: NO

b) Start

Run `sudo anonsurf start`
  • [✔] Can anonsurf start? All services (tor, anonsurfd is actived)
  • [✔] All configurations is good after start
       • [✔] run dnstool status, show Under AnonSurf
       • [✔] resolv.conf is having only nameserver
       • [✔] /etc/tor/torrc is having valid config (tor --verify-config -f /etc/tor/torrc)
       • [✔] Tor control ports are opens
       • [_] IPTables is having custom rules (See list of custom rules above) - **NOT Tested**
   • [✔] anonsurf myip shows IP Address and You are connected to Tor
   • [✔] sudo anonsurf start shows anonsurf is running
    …Write anything wrong here…: NO
   • [x] Tor warn: Bad password or authentication cookie on controller (password & hash matched)

Run anonsurf changeid
• [:heavy_check_mark:] Terminal shows responses of Control port (250)
• [:heavy_check_mark:] anonsurf myip shows new IP Address and You are connected to Tor
…Write anything wrong here…: NO
• [x] Authentication error: password in nyxrc doesn’t match

Run sudo anonsurf restart
• [:heavy_check_mark:] All service (tor ,anonsurfd) is restared
• [:heavy_check_mark:] anonsurf myip show new IP and still under Tor network
• [:heavy_check_mark:] /etc/tor/torrc has new hash
…Write anything wrong here…: NO
• [x] Tor warn Bad password or authentication cookie on controller

maybe the language here should be changed

Thank you. The changeid needs root permission and authentication error was fixed in newer version 2.13.9. If you follow the instruction for [dev], pull source from nest and build, you can test newer version that included fix.

To [dmknght] Many thanks for your time. Have reinstalled the pakage and now not only does all work well I also get a result with anonsurf myip. For some reason the previous install seemed to have reverted to the older version? I more than likely cocked something up!!
Everything now appears as expected, no issues to report.


Could be your mistake or something like that (or dpkg messed it up). I would like to update help banner and manpage or anything belong to user’s interface so if you can check and found anything (grammar, typo, …) please tell me and i’ll fix asap.

New official public beta testing here Anonsurf Beta Testing
this post will be closed and left for consulting old reports and test cases.