Veil installation on Parrot 4.11

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Hello there i can not install veil framework and this error is seen on the terminal

  • Parrot version in use (if you are not aware of it, open terminal and type cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION):
    PRETTY_NAME=“Parrot OS 5.0 (LTS)”
    NAME=“Parrot OS”
    VERSION=“5.0 (LTS)”

  • Logs/Terminal output (use pastebin or similar services):
    sudo /usr/share/veil/config/ --force --silent
    Veil (Setup Script) | [Updated]: 2018-05-08
    [Web]: | [Twitter]: @VeilFramework

               os = debian
        osversion = 5.0
     osmajversion = 5
             arch = x86_64
         trueuser =*****

    userprimarygroup =******
    userhomedir = /home/*****
    rootdir = /usr/share/veil
    veildir = /var/lib/veil
    outputdir = /var/lib/veil/output
    dependenciesdir = /var/lib/veil/setup-dependencies
    winedir = /var/lib/veil/wine
    winedrive = /var/lib/veil/wine/drive_c
    gempath = Z:\var\lib\veil\wine\drive_c\Ruby187\bin\gem

[ERROR]: Veil is only supported on Debian 8 (Jessie) or higher!

Same issue .

i have not received support or any help for almost 27 days …parrot is for legends only
but the problem is still there so any one who can solve it please share

I am tired of using parrot os every new day new problem after every upgrade new problem

i think i will start using again parrot in 2030 if things go well

Hello. There are already people who have reported the problem and I think they understand why, take a look at the last posts of the forum.

Instead of complaining you should post screenshots (as you did for Veil) of the errors you have, because “with each upgrade a new problem” makes no sense.

Just nano the
and search debian
change the value 8 to 5
save and run the

elif [ “${os}” == “debian” ]; then
if [[ “${osmajversion}” -lt “8” ]]; then !!! 8 to 5 !!!
echo -e " ${RED}[ERROR]: Veil is only supported on Debian 8 (Jessie) or higher!${RESET}\n"
exit 1

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