Acces denied - Anonsurf

Hi all, I’m stuck with some shit and maybe you can help me. Ok there is a website, I can only get to it with my mobile device, but when I try to open it with my desktop browser (firefox) something pops up: Access denied. Mobile devices only. And when I try to access through my Parrot VM browser (firefox) I get error 404.

Okey I thought maybe it’s the user agent, I spoofed the user agent in my browser to an IOS/iphone user agent and bingo, I can get to the website.

No problem so far, the problem comes when I start AnonSurf. When I start AnonSurf the 404 error strikes again, and I suspect it’s because the tor network has its own user agent. From what I’ve read it’s impossible to spoof the tor user agent.

What do you think is going on, is there a way to hide behind Anonsurf and get to the website? Maybe a bridge? Maybe a web script is checking the incoming connections and only stopping JS i will fix it?

If you can give me some tips and tricks to continue my exploration I would be very grateful.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your answers,

Most of the time, seeing 404 error codes on your website is no cause for alarm. They’re usually caused by something as simple and fixable as a mistyped URL.
However, if you see 404 errors popping up across your entire website, blocking off access to content that isn’t missing, you’ll need to take proper steps.
Let’s discuss the common causes of 404 error codes and look at a few ways to fix them.

cheers . . . :slight_smile:

I am 100% sure that this is not a typo. I’m going to explain it again because maybe I’m not stating things correctly.

Conection diagram

The website I’m trying to reach is not mine, it’s a phishing website and I’m trying to reach it through anonsurf to practice, outside of HTB, with, at least from my point of view, a legitimate target. So I think there is a firewall on the server or a script on the website created precisely to prevent connection from non-mobile devices.

My questions, in the end, are: do you know any way to get to this page through anonsurf, or at least can you give me an address to investigate further, like a hint or something?

Thank you.