Anonsurf and CIA tor nodes?

I have asked about this before? is it not possible for Anonsurf to Avoid connecting with CIA Tor nodes? (in future upgrades?)… this happens (to me) very frequently (when i check DNS-leaks)?.. :confused:

WHY is this “not a great concern” To You?? (Really?)

Tor I believe was originally built as a network for the US government.

“The core principle of Tor, onion routing, was developed in the mid-1990s by United States Naval Research Laboratory employees, mathematician Paul Syverson, and computer scientists Michael G. Reed and David Goldschlag, to protect American intelligence communications online.”

It is a quote from wikipeda but is also told on tor project’s about/history page on their website.

Tor relays and guard/exit nodes are also all around the world, including places like USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, Brazil, Netherlands, China, etc. Anyone can also create a guard/relay/exit node for the tor network for volunteering network expansion.

This link from the tor browser guide book: about:manual#secure-connections in the tor browser has toggle switches and explains in great detail what and how tor networking protects users. (including what people can see on the network traffic)

Personally to answer your question, I would be more concerned if the dns leak was showing my actual DNS vs a exit node. That means it’s working as designed.

I think it’s cool that parrot os came out with Anonsurf,

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FYI - no sweat

said node has nothing to do w/ Conspiracy-In-Action boyz & girlz

< The CIA Triad is a concept in information security. It guides an organization’s data security operations. The 3 letters in CIA stand for confidentiality, integrity, and availability. They are the three pillars of a security architecture. In fact, applying these concepts to any security program is optimal. >

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Kids thing they are being hacked by CIA / NSA. And you destroyed their dream.

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My gift, so to speak, for the upcoming Halloween season.

Trick or track LoL

Joking aside, I removed this post multiple times (at least 5 times). I gave up and well as everybody can see: nobody gave a fuck about this shitty topic.
I’m tired of skiddies, really.

Lol! CIA is after you bruh… The Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability squad is on your tail!

It reminds me an EP of “Jack and Cody” on Disney LoL. CIA stood for something about food. In my country, CIA means “come in …”

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