Anybody know how to get into bashrc to add terminal banner? in parrot 6.0

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is it ,bashrc or is it ~/.bashrc or is it sudo nano /etc/~/.bashrc.conf? in order to add a terminal banner?

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I just tried it on Parrot 6.0 and sudo nano ~/.bashrc worked for me. Assuming you’re using bash and not zsh as I usually am (it would be sudo nano ~/.zshrc in that case) and you only want it on your users profile .
I used " banner EXAMPLE BANNER " in my bash script.
I believe sudo nano /etc/bash.bashrc should work to but take effect system-wide.

The global bashrc is at /etc/bash.bashrc, the user’s configuration is at ~/HOME/.bashrc. You can use either of them.

Thank you
Also have you had any success on getting custom pointers to run ive downloaded and installed different options from but no luck installing them

No problem. Parrot is initially installed as Mate and not Gnome so try Cursors - /s/Mate

sudo apt install figlet
sudo apt install lolcat

figlet -f standard -c “ANONYMOUS” | lolcat
figlet -f digital -c “FreeTheOppressed”

add whatever you want “whateveryouwant*here” and lolcat will change the color everytime . at the end of your bashrc file