apt-file cach is empty


I installed apt-file and update the cache as root. But the cache is empty:

apt-file update
Hit:1 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot lts InRelease
Hit:2 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot parrot InRelease
Hit:3 https://deb.parrot.sh/direct/parrot parrot-security InRelease
Hit:4 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot parrot-backports InRelease
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
All packages are up to date.
└──╼ #apt-file search gdal
Finding relevant cache files to search ...E: The cache is empty. You need to run "apt-file update" first.
└──╼ #

Glad for any help!

