Best wishes for a happy holiday season from the ParrotOS Team! :D

The (almost past) 2022 has been full of challenges for us to ensure the proper operation and maintenance of ParrotOS which thanks to you and your constant feedback is continuously improving. We may not be perfect, but we will do our best to continue the support our OS, with as much effort as possible.

We already have a roadmap on what is coming in 2023, and we can’t wait to show you all the new features!

That’s why we want to say a big thank you and especially wish you a happy holiday season!

In particular, regarding the forum, we would like to personally thank some of the users who have and continue to provide support in the absence of the team. You are wonderful!

@Masmer, @Brickwizard, @Th3Director, @kali_lefaucheur, @Farial_Mahmod


And wishing you all at Parrotsec development a happy holiday, and a successful new year

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My pleasure to work with all you wonderful people on our amazing ParrotOS project.

This means a lot to me. Thank you @danterolle !

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Happy new year
(My Xmas gift to @danterolle bhahahaha)

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Go is a great programming language, and you haven’t used it yet pfff <3

Actually I used it. That’s why I am using Nim right now bhahahaha