Bluetooth audio connectivity issue

First try enabling Bluetooth services by following command:

sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service

If you are still not able to connect with your device then try the following solution.

****Fix Bluetooth connectivity issue

open a terminal and run the following commands:

  1. sudo apt-get install libspa-0.2-modules=0.3.19-4
  2. sudo apt install libspa-0.2-bluetooth && apt purge pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
    ------Now reboot your system: sudo reboot now

**Fix noice cancellation for your inbuilt/default mike
open your terminal and type the following command: sudo nano /etc/pulse/ #scroll down to bottom and add the following lines and save it.
load-module module-echo-cancel aec_args=“analog_gain_control=0 digital_gain_control=0” now press ctrl+x and type Y and press enter
in terminal run the following command pulseaudio -k
reboot your system : sudo reboot now

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