Change my wifi network identity

I get kicked off a public network when my time expires. I tried changing my wifi mac address and still encountered an error that my daily allowance had expired. Sugfestions welcome

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how’s this an issue related to ParrotOS?
how about using a search engine?

My apologises for posting something interpreted as not relevant.

Seems a device can be tracked by mac and hostname.
The following seems to work to change both
requires macchanger

systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
macchanger -r wlo1
# Where wlo1 is your wifi device
old=$(cat /etc/hostname)
new=$(tr -dc 'A-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c12)
sed -i "s/$old/$new/g" /etc/hosts
sed -i "s/$old/$new/g" /etc/hostname
hostname "$new"
hostnamectl set-hostname "$new"
systemctl start NetworkManager.service
exit 0

The following sets things back to static if required

systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
macchanger -p wlo1
hostnamectl set-hostname "YourHostName"
systemctl start NetworkManager.service
echo reboot to update bash hostname
exit 0

yeah you can use macchanger to spoof your mac address, but not to change it ofcourse. (spoofing != changing completely)
But what i said about was, changing mac address was to be a question for a search engine than a OS Forum.
Anyways, using search engine was a suggestion, going further if you have anything regarding OS, you’re welcome.

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