custom desktop

Hello Community.
i have following issue with my own desktop look and config.
I made it that i feel comfortable with everything at the place i want,
panels, colors, shortcuts, background, menus etc.
And all the time i dont know why, after a reboot or something,
everything what i made is away again and the panels are grey.
I hope someone can tell me what it is, that i not need repeat
to configure my desktop every 1-2 days. It was already very often

And another thing is that sometimes everything is frozen and i have to power off with button.

Hi @Dennis

First question: Are you running Parrot on VirtualBox or some other virtual machine?

Hi @Masmer
no i have it installed on my laptop as main OS.

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I suppose you are using Mate?

yes. is this the reason?

Well not sure but it could relates to its gsettings and dconf which is not very stable

i recommend using KDE as your desktop environment my guy.

How to install deepin destop in parrot os??

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