Custom Parrot build stuck at loading

Briefly describe your issue below:
I have tried building my own Parrot Sec OS using the official parrot build in the development portal. All I really did was change the packages to be installed on the “/parrot-build-master/templates/parrot-security/package-list/package-security.list.chroot” and added a few config files in the “/parrot-build-master/templates/common/includes.chroot/”. In the former, I replaced “parrot-mate” with “parrot-kde” and “sddm”. In the latter, I added an extra directory “/home/user/…” to add some of my personal preferences. However, after flashing my thumbdrive with “dd” and booting it to “live” mode, it would constantly be stuck loading at this specific line:
A start job is running for live-config contains the components that configure a life system during boot process (late userspace) (… / no limit)

The “…” in “…/ no limit” can represent any amount of time if you are patient. Basically it would continue loading but never finishes. So I can never get to desktop. I highly doubt it is due to the extra directories I added in the “include.chroot”. Either it is the change in desktop manager or something deep in the grub is causing this. Also, I have tried replacing “splash” with “nouveau.modeset=0” in the grub but it doesn’t work.

What version of Parrot are you running? (include version, edition, and architecture)
Custom security, 4.5.1, amd64
What method did you use to install Parrot? (Debian Standard / Debian GTK / parrot-experimental)
I’m not sure, I build the iso image using the official parrot iso build though.
Configured to multiboot with other systems? (yes / no)
If there are any similar issues or solutions, link to them below:
Similar issue but their method did not fix my issue:
If there are any error messages or relevant logs, post them below:
Error message:
A start job is running for live-config contains the components that configure a life system during boot process (late userspace) (15min / no limit)

I don’t really know about Parrot custom script but I did custom Debian before (link bellow) and live mode worked well for me. Hope this URL can help you somewhere

Thanks I figured out the solution already. Actually all one had to do was to edit the grub.cfg and change “apparmor=0” to “apparmor=1”. Somehow the apparmor was interfering. One could also remove the apparmor package entirely to prevent the error. I’m not sure why the devs put this in, as if they never tested building a custom iso within parrot. Anyways, that link you gave was quite useful none the less. Cheers.

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