DNS issues on fresh parrot virtual machine


I just installed parrot os security with ova (Parrot-security-4.9.1_virtual.ova),
and noticed that when running in oracle virtual box, I had no DNS resolution.

I could solve it with
$ sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
$ sudo ln -s /var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

But I think this is a parrot os configuration mistake somewhere, so I was wondering: can/should I report this somewhere?

thanks & best regards,

sudo dnstool static opennic
呃…建議用靜態的方式連接它的匿名服務器. 而且我之前嘗試過你的那個版本鏡像,那個版本鏡像不如明確指向了KDE的Parrot-security-kde-4.9.1_iso.

not all people using vbox get the problem
but as of now
you can either add google or cloudfare dns manually at
/etc/resolv.conf or just run dnstool commnad
sudo dnstool static opennic or
sudo dnstool static

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