Does not detect hard drive

When trying to install the parrot, it doesn’t detect my hard drives, it only detects the installation one and the ones on the computer that aren’t the ones I want. Does anyone know why?

If your using an NTFS formatted disk, then the installer can’t see it, it has no support for it.

Format the needed drive to FAT32 and then reboot and try the installer again…

it just leaves me exfat

exFAT will work, just NOT NTFS

well it still doesn’t work

Are you trying to dual boot?
are you installing to a seperate hard disk, or trying to install to a seperate partition on a shared hard disk?

Yes, I’m trying to install from a hard disk but it even detects the installation parrot but it’s not the first time I’ve done it and it worked for me before

turned Off secure boot in BIOS…?

if you are installing Parrot to its own seperate drive, in GParted, check there are no other partitions present, delete any you find, format disk and install.

Don’t forget, when using MBR partition type, a hard disk can only have 4 primary partitions, so if you already have this number parttions you cannot install Parrot to that same drive.

If your using GPT type partition scheme, there is not that restriction.
To use GPT style (the default for most newer OS’s including windblows), you will need a minimum of 3 partitions for GPT;

I usually create;
partition 1 - 2 MB unformatted
partition 2 - 300 MB formatted FAT32 *make sure you set the EFI and Boot flags ‘on’ in GParted for this
partition 3 - remainder of disk formatted EXT4 to install Parrot on

if I can’t ext4 what do I use?

so your running from Windblows and trying to install Parrot bare metal to another partition then?
I want t help you, I really do, but I’m not sat with you, I have no idea what system your trying to install Parrot on, or where your trying to install it.

Be specific when you ask questions, I have a system A that I want to keep windblows on, I want to dual boot/use a USB stick to run Parrot from, I want t install Parrot to internal hard drive/another USB thumbdrive/ an external hard drive caddie etc…

If your trying to install to an external USB attched drive for example, then you can boot into Parrot live, open fdisk or gparted, create and format a disk from there, and then run the installer to install to that same drive.

I get the impression your trying to partition from windblows, hence exFAT option?
and again, its important, if you want a ‘part’ of an internal hatrd drive for Parrot to run on for example, then you would ‘shrink’ a partition in windblows to make room for the install, and fix the other issues like booting after install…

Thanks, it works for me

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