Extended my disk memory on virtual box

Briefly describe your issue below:

I was running 50GB of memory for my virtualbox and as you can imagine it started to run out of space, I extended the memory to 100GB but this is not reflected in the parrot os.

Does anyone know how to extend the partition to include the extra 50GB I gave it?

What version of Parrot are you running? (include version (e.g. 4.6), edition(e.g. Home//KDE/OVA, etc.), and architecture (currently we only support amd64)

Currently running this in virtualbox using Parrot-security-4.7_virtual (1).ova - previously tried to use the newest version but the errors were all over the place.

What method did you use to install Parrot? (Debian Standard / Debian GTK / parrot-experimental)

Configured to multiboot with other systems? (yes / no)


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