Fatal errors due to upgrade process to Parrot Security OS 6.0

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Yesterday I tried to upgrade my OS via parrot-upgrade command, but the upgrade process was broken due to an unmet dependencies problem. I tried all solutions, mentioned in the web - dpkg --configure -a, apt install --fix-broken, apt install -f, but nothing changes the situation. Due to one of the recommendations I cleaned completely /var/lib/dpkg/status file, then ran parrot-upgrade again. After that, I’ve lost all programs in Pentesting sections, and parrot-upgrade does not see any upgrades.

Maybe, someone has any suggestions, on how to recover process?

UPD: after whole day of trying to solve the problem I recovered previous repositories and then install parrot-tools-full package. However problem with upgrading still remains.

Thank you in advance.

  • ParrotOS iso in use:

  • Application used for flashing the iso:

  • Logs/Terminal output (use pastebin or similar services):

  • Screenshots:

I solved this question on my own. At first I reinstalled parrotsec from scratch and recover all files from the backup. Next, I upgraded my system to the parrot security 6.

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