Firefox ESR

I’ve just installed lated Parrot OS . Now issue is I’ve some logins from my old Firefox version . I’ve enabled the said option as per firefox support page to import login. But it seems in firefox esr 78.x version have some bugs . I’m unable to upgrade esr version as well.

I want to upgrade firefox esr to latest , but it does not allow me to do.


Why the default browser is firefox instead of others? such as brave? why the decision?

obvious security reasons
iirc, Palinuro mentioned it in

How it is firefox more secure than brave? brave was developed by the creator of firefox, also it comes with Inbuilt Ad-Blocker and asset for privacy

if you heard, then firefox delivery is with customization


Thanks you for your reply, but what would be ‘our’ customization? just ESR or something else? It didn’t come with any plug ins installated

Esr is replaced Now a few days ago
But that was according to previous browser [Firefox made for ParrotOS]
you don’t get this mentioned in the about window of esr

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