how to change keyboard to russian language?

hello, my Parrot OS is in spanish because it is my main language but I need my keyboard to also allow writing in russian.

how can i add russian language on my keyboard?

please help

  • Parrot 4.11.3

  • Application used for flashing the iso:

  • Logs/Terminal output (use pastebin or similar services):

  • Screenshots:

if you are using xfce as your desktop u can try this.

  1. whisker app menu
  2. keyboard
  3. select keyboard model (Chromebook is my recommendation)
  4. Layout (in keyboard app)
    • Add
  5. select your desired keyboard
    ########## till here u have added your keyboard

“”"""""""""""""""""" now u need a way to switch between languages

  1. select whisker app menu
  2. panel
  3. items (in panel)
    • Add
  4. keyboard layouts
  5. double click on it
  6. select manage layouts globally
  7. done

#########################3. u can change by clicking icons in panel

hope u got it. :slight_smile:

If you are using Mate:
Open Control center from the menu or using terminal command “mate-control-center”.
Keyboard → Layouts → Add → Country: Russian Federation → Add.
Now we have added the russian language to our system.
Below we can choose the keyboard and how to change the layout.
Options → Switching to another layout → Check Ctrl+Shift or another keyboard shortcut.

If you are using i3wm:
Add this line to your config file (~/.config/i3/config):
exec --no-startup-id “setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us,ru -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle”

Hi, If you are using Mate: you can do this: open terminal enter the command:
sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard
And edit this file


Save, reboot the system. Now you will have both a Spanish and Russian keyboard with language switching buttons Alt+ Shift

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