How to set up full disk encryption after installation?

Thanks for reading!

When I got some problems, encrypting the partition of parrot at install, I decided to skip it and do it later on. Now, I wonder how I should encrypt it, as I didn’t found a program for this purpose on the OS.
Therefore, I need advice, how I should continue. Is there a built-in program in parrot or should I use an external program? If I should use an external one, please mention which one.

Parrot Version: 5.1

Thanks again and I am looking forward to your replies!

Hello! If you have the security edition, you could use zuluCrypt from Cryptography section.

I think user asked LUKS which is kinda different.

Did you check this

Sorry for the late response! Thanks for your answers!
Basically, I want the same disk encryption, as in the installation, so that the whole partition with parrot os on it becomes unreadable without the password.

As far, as I have seen in the article, it is only about encrypting the home directory, or have I understood something wrong? My goal would be, to encrypt the whole partition, instead of just a part, if that is possible.

OH well i didn’t notice. I guess it could be a way to do full disk encryption but i didn’t try. Let me try digging the google.

It is harder than it look hmm

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I have wondered for years if full disk encryption was possible post-Linux install. Thanks @dmknght

Thanks @dmknght for the searching! As I have little background knowledge and don’t want to break anything, I will probably just reinstall Parrot and try to fix the error at first install, if it occurs again. And thanks for the great and fast support!

I think this is the best way because it seems like the LUKS will modify partition table and everything. It’s just too hard to do after installation.