Images aren't Loading

Hey Everyone In my parrot i am Unable to Load any Image on my Screen need some help
i think its called glitching

We will need more details about your issue if you want to get any help.

What are you talking about, image for your background ? Or just viewing your pictures ? When does it happen ? With what image format ? etc…

Can you include a screenshot maybe to make the situation clearer ?


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I don’t know what this is when i download any image it downloads like this when i share a image it will share like this anyone have any solutions for this Please let me know

This is what Happens when i try to send any image file

Do you know what the problem is

Hi again, deeply sorry for the delay, I got busy. Hum well that’s the first time I see such issues. As if every image you downloaded were corrupted. Does the same ever happens with other kind of files ?

edit: grammar

I don’t have any problem. I use chromium whatsapp web, Parrot OS 4.11.2

i don’t know how but it fixed may be i have updated my parrot recently

I have the same problem with the current latest update. It seams that the problem is from my AMD graphic card firmware issue. This only happens on some base64 encoded images.

It’s probably firmware issue. Mine’s not fixed.

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hi 2022 is here and i have it really bad

ok it workes here but not in instagram really werid do you guys know why?

update the problem form firefox i used google chrome and it’s fine

I guess you are using Firefox…
By default Firefox blocks images and you can solve it as the following instarunctions.

  1. Click on the top left corner, at the image symbol.

  1. Allow use HTML 5 Canvas data.

  2. You are good to go.

Please let me know if your issue is solved.


Its not a firmware issue or a graphic card issue
The downloaded files are not corrupted either
By default Firefox blocks image data for security purposes (I don’t know why) Chrome does not

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Yes. Back then I was stupid. It does that to prevent device hasing. Device hashing is a technique to de-anonymize users who have unique operating system and unique hardware. It’s quite fascinating actually. How Does Canvas Fingerprinting Work - FingerprintJS

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Anyhow, happy hacking! :grin:

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