Install Parrot OS On External SSD


I am trying to install Parrot Security OS on a PNY Elite SSD 480 GB

It is version 3.11 64 bit

Etcher didn’t recognize the SSD, and Rufus doesn’t support mac so I tried using dd in the command line

The command is successful, but when I boot into Parrot OS and I choose to install persistence with encryption, there is a error saying something about an I/O error and a sector with a long number after

Is there a way to run Parrot on this SSD?



Hi Deltadave,

The log screen was super dim, I couldn’t really screenshot that. Now my ssd is kind of messed up and I can’t get the os back onto it ( or anything ). The partition button is grayed out. It says the drive is uninitialized.

Here are some screenshots of Disk Utility


diskutil list
diskutil unmountDisk dev/disk2
sudo dd if=/dev/disk2 of=parrot.iso bs=1m

I am on macOS, so how would I run GParted?
Would I have to run it live as a separate OS?

“if” is inputfile…and “of” output file… Is that what are you trying to do???
I would try:
dd if=parrot.iso of=/dev/disk2 bs=1m

try to do a partition in there before the dd command, i think it will allocate all your hd space… i think, i am not sure about this. if you do it try /dev/dsk2s1 (i think it is the way OSX define the partitions names…)

Sorry, I mixed up the command, but it turns out there was something wrong with the SSD, and I got a Corsair Flash Voyager GTX 256 GB instead. I’ll update you guys when I try the new one out. Thanks!

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Got the new drive, but now I’ve changed my mind and want to install both Windows and Parrot onto the drive. How can I do this?


What i know from Mac is that their partition to beggin with is different from Linux, simillar but different, my logic tells me you should make the partition for Linux correctly in your SSD drive, before installing Parrot, please do so, i recommend you to burn and run Hirens boot DVD, which is free, as i know and run it as a Live DVD and make this task. There are other DVDs simillar like this but that one is the best i know. Good luck.

Hi there,
I am new to this and have n’t got a clue! Nevertheless i am trying to figure out if i can download and install this software on a DVD much like TAILS 3.7, like an OS that can be run independent of the one on my PC. Can you help me in ANY way?
I am interested primarily in the penetration / security testing tools…

Parrot can boot into live mode similarly to Tails. Just google flashing a ISO to a DVD and when you boot the disk select ‘live’.
Although if you wanted a persistent system you would be better off using a USB as DVD’s cant be written, erased and re-written constantly. I would recommend messing around with parrot on a live system first then getting a dedicated HDD if you want to make the best use of the tools available.

Could you please give an overview of you partitioned your external SSD for that installation.