Issue when installing Parrot on UTM, using Macbook Pro M3


I have a macbook pro M3, with UTM installed.
I tried to install Parrot using the UTM file on the download page(Parrot Security), and after initializing the machine I’m getting the shell below (screenshot).
I guess there was an issue during the installation…?

Is Parot even working using UTM and Mac M3?

which version of Parrot are you trying to install ? as far as I am aware, Parrot 6 is currently not UTM compliant, parrot 5.3 is.

Currently not seeing a screenshot attached, it might not have been uploaded.

Currently at this time there is not enough information to continue diagnosis.
Is the issue occurring at add new software packages? after configuring apt? I’ve noticed that on 5.3 but using my own custom VM and not UTM. (had to switch to ubuntu for now)