Issue with install Parrot OS Sec UTM on MacBook Air 2023 M2 Chip

– Trying to install Parrot OS Security edition on my new Macbook –
I’ve tried to use VirtualBox but that’s not seeming to be an option anymore on the new M2 chips.
Tried using VMware Fusion but that has its issues as well. So finally, I decided to try UTM. After performing the following, I was able to get it to run, only to find it’s not the correct version.

—I’ve installed Home Brew and installed Qemu

–I’ve installed UTM application to create and run a virtual machine

–Then after downloading the Parrot OS Security Edition UTM file, I started the VM right up quite easily but it’s the “Home Edition” not the Security Edition and when you download it, the file states “Home Edition” Is there still not a Security Edition UTM file available? Or is there a way to add all the security tools simply through the Terminal?

Apple Silicon chips are a bit of a bind for Linux, but it can be done [I am NOT a vm user but] I understand Linux can be installed [see this article it will explain better than I can.]


if you look in the software manager some tools are already there, any others can be installed

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