Just Started Using Parrot, Any Guidance Or Roadmap To Ethical Hacking?

How should a beginner like me learn ethical hacking with parrot os

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Hi @kekeli

If you haven’t already, first learn the IPv4 network stack along with how to subnet. Knowing the basics of Linux is a big step too. (YouTube and Google are your “friends”.)

Optional*: Set up a virtual machine program (like VirtualBox, VMware, etc.) with Windows and Linux (Parrot) guests to act as your ethical hacking lab. Ensure the two or so VM guests (and host) can see each other over the bridged virtual network (ping).

*If you are running Parrot on bare metal, you would only need a Windows virtual machine guest (at first). If you are running Windows, I recommend a Windows VM as well in which to practice your skills without damaging the host.

Play around and get familiar with Nmap and Wireshark. Send packet snips from nmap from one PC and see how Wireshark shows the scan. Concentrate mainly on Wireshark to see the type of traffic which is normal, and then play around with nmap. Once you get good, Metasploit would be the 3rd “hacking” tool to learn.

People may say “Join Hack The Box and TryHackMe”, and you should, eventually. Have “fun”. :grin:


Thanks!!! I appreciate!
Will work on myself


Hello I learned alot using TryHackMe website, it’s 15 Euro per month but worth of it.

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