Learn hacking from scratch

thank you for the hook up bro. much appreciated. I’ve been self training for a year. granted i have been using linux (ubuntu) since 16.04 into 18.04 way back in 2011 then stopped using linux until a year ago. picked up a pretty decent machine then installed ubuntu 20.04 so i can freshen up my skills. i’ve been researching and practicing for about 9 months on hacking and now ready for parrot (i think). so this little bit of info is awesome! Excited to start my journey in Parrot Sec OS. if anyone has any tips please please please, i’d love to hear from you.

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Yea same here @roguebandit self learning now for 4 years still don’t know anything to be any kind of a threat to real threats but that has to do with memory retention and mold poisoning but anywhoo yea this info was a definite help for sure if I could maybe add a like adage to his question not just for u but anyone who wants to chime in other than basic hacker understanding where would u start with computer in general to give u the better edge asking a network first learning a programming language cause even though I been learning for three years almost four I’m so still light-years from anyreal career in this I feel

After learning subnetting and network protocols, learn each basic tool like nmap and wireshark. Use a virtual machine and Metasploitable (2 and 3) to learn Metasploit. Eventually try doing exercises on places like hackthebox.com.

I use YouTube to watch thousands of videos on Linux, math, programming and network security.

Learning paths on reputable services are a good way.

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