locate cannot find file on parrot 6.0

└──╼ $ls

└──╼ $sudo updatedb
[sudo] password for parrot:
└──╼ $locate Dvwa.txt

I want to find the location of Dvwa.txt file using locate, after I do sudo updatedb and do a search with the command “locate Dvwa.txt” nothing comes up, how do I solve it ??

Hi @Xnone

Maybe delete the /var/cache/locate/locatedb file and rebuild?

└──╼ $touch Dvwa.txt
└──╼ $ls
Desktop    Downloads  Music     Public     Videos
Documents  Dvwa.txt   Pictures  Templates
└──╼ $sudo updatedb
/usr/bin/find: '/run/user/1000/doc': Permission denied
/usr/bin/find: '/run/user/1000/gvfs': Permission denied
└──╼ $locate Dvwa.txt
└──╼ #ls /var/cache/locate/locatedb
ls: cannot access '/var/cache/locate/locatedb': No such file or directory

file /var/cache/locate/locatedb doesn’t exist. I installed locate with apt install mlocate


└──╼ $sudo apt install mlocate
└──╼ $touch mytext.txt
└──╼ $locate mytext.txt 
/var/lib/plocate/plocate.db: No such file or directory
└──╼ $sudo updatedb
└──╼ $locate mytext.txt 