Maltego tool error

Someone got this error?

I wanna solve that, but i have no ideia where to start.

try an upgrade to Maltego v. 4. 6.
good luck
ps: for me Maltego v4. 6 works perfectly
cheers . . . :slight_smile:

I had tried to update my maltego, but it does not work :frowning:

But thanks by the comment.


are you logged in to Maltego as CE?
it depends on your internet line
your PC causes problems
you have Parrot OS in a VM
or USB stick or permanently installed on a HD/SSD?

cheers . . . :slight_smile:

i have been logged as CE.

But i reinstall the maltego cleaning the cache and other things, removing the residual files.

And it’s work.

The problem has been fixed.

Thanks man s2