opening phone storage

still onto the new Parrot sec KDE desktop version, so once I connect my android phone ts prompting a successful connection. but upon trying to open the phone storage its propmting me with an error. any help will be appreciated guys

Try via mMTP ,or temporary work with apache server

Having same problem here also, i only connect to phones using terminal jmtpfs command

I have the same issues . no other mode

The problem might be that your phone is not mounting properly or not mounting at all.
You can checkout how to properly mount a device here.

seriously??? thats the problem… phone doesn’t mount at all, unless i use jmtpfs command is the only time i can send or receive files from android and that means i’ll have to send through terminal only. ever since i installed parrot i’ve never send file to android with GUI. So many glitch in the OS. Error 404 also when trying to update the PC

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