Parrot OS 3.11 TTY stuck

Hi I just installed Parrot OS onto my laptop Asus Rog Gl502V dualbooted. It worked the first time I booted it but when I turned it off and back on the next day it lead me to the tty1 command prompt. I’ve tried ctr+alt+fn+f1/f7/f8 command. I’ve updated my drivers which was a GeForce 980.

probably your laptop does not implement ACPI properly and the system crashes when it tries to resume from suspension

it usually happens on very recent computers and it is just the result of how assholes are the pc manufacturers nowadays

you can try to use a search engine to find a workaround for your particular computer, or you can wait for the linux kernel to implement a workaround for your specific ACPI incompatibility.

i had similar problems with my new laptop and i was able to fix everything by just adding

acpi_osi=! acpi_osi="Windows 2009"

to my kernel boot parameters

you can try the same by opening a terminal windows and running

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

there is a line with the following content (or a similar one)


you have to make it appear as following

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet acpi_osi=! acpi_osi=\""Windows 2009\""

please notice the \" characters used as the delimiter of Windows 2009 and the standard " delimiter used as the global instructions delimiter

don’t forget to run

sudo update-grub

to make the changes effective


of course this workaround worked for my ACPI implementation, it may not work on your particular case, but it is an example of what kernel parameters are usually involved in an ACPI workaround for linux systems and how to apply them on parrot