Parrot OS 6.0 VMWare mouse and keyboard issue

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I have installed the latest version of Parrot OS and the latest version of VMware Workstation on an Intel platform. When I start the VM, sometimes the keyboard works, and sometimes it does not. If it does not work, I perform several reboots before it suddenly starts working.

Sometimes, while I am working, the system becomes completely unresponsive. I can still see the desktop, so there’s no kernel panic, or at least I am unable to see it, but this also forces me to reboot the machine.

I have already removed and added the USB controller in the VM configuration again, but that did not help at all.

  • Parrot version in use (if you are not aware of it, open terminal and type cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION):

PRETTY_NAME=“Parrot Security 6.0 (lorikeet)”
NAME=“Parrot Security”
VERSION=“6.0 (lorikeet)”
SUPPORT_URL=“Parrot Security
BUG_REPORT_URL=“parrotsec · GitLab

  • Hypervisor used:

VMWare Workstation 17 Pro
17.5.0 build-22583795

  • Logs/Terminal output (use pastebin or similar services):

  • Screenshots: