Parrot OS failed to install as a virtual machine (QEMU/KVM using virt-manager)

Hello and good day,

Parrot OS failed to install as a virtual machine. At the end of the installation process, a popup appears with this text:

Installation Failed

Boost.Python error in job “fstab”.
Command ‘[‘btrfs’, ‘property’, ‘set’, ‘/tmp/calamares-root-1ygnu_nv/swap/swapfile’, ‘compression’, ‘none’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.

File “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/calamares/modules/fstab/”, line 412, in run
create_swapfile(root_mount_point, root_btrfs)

File “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/calamares/modules/fstab/”, line 336, in create_swapfile
o = subprocess.check_output([“btrfs”, “property”, “set”, swapfile_path, “compression”, “none”])

File “/usr/lib/python3.9/”, line 528, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Version: Parrot Security 5.3 amd64

  • Hypervisor: QEMU/KVM with virt-manager

For anyone encountering the same issue: Enabling swap seems to be the issue. Without it the OS installs perfectly fine. Install Parrot OS without swap and make a swapfile afterwards. The Arch wiki has a good section on this: The only thing that the Arch wiki gets wrong is the command for creating the swap file. the uuid flag is not recognized by the btrfs command so just remove “–uuid clear” from the command and you’re good to go.