Parrot OS on HDD / Windows 10 on NVMe ISSUES!!

Briefly describe your issue below:
Im trying to install the latest Parrot OS from a BOOT USB ISO, after installing, my BOOT sequence wont boot from my HDD only from my NVMe even after changing the boot order and disabling it.

What version of Parrot are you running? (include version (e.g. 4.6), edition(e.g. Home//KDE/OVA, etc.), and architecture (currently we only support amd64)
Parrot Sec OS 4.6 amd64

What method did you use to install Parrot? (Debian Standard / Debian GTK / parrot-experimental)
Configured to multiboot with other systems? (yes / no)
If there are any similar issues or solutions, link to them below:
nothing will allow my boot from HDD (500GB)
If there are any error messages or relevant logs, post them below:
No errors i even have it set to )MBR)

That is not unheard of, many laptops come with an ssd for the operating system and a slower hdd for storage. The hdd isn’t brought up until the system boots. There’s nothing to be done about that other than changing the motherboard firmware.

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