Pip command not working

i can not use pip command. it throws this error showed in the below screenshot. my current parrot version is 6.0

I see that this occurs with just plain

pip3 install clippy

I’m installing Debian 12.5 on a virtual machine to see if this is a Debian thing, or Parrot.

Looks like Python developers can install any packages that are available via apt (system-wide). And any required packages (in requirements.txt) need to be inside a Python venv (or pipx), which people new to Python may find confusing, but is strongly encouraged.

On Kali I get the expected behavior (below).

└─$ pip3 install clippy
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting clippy
Downloading Clippy-0.6.4-py3-none-any.whl (16 kB)
Installing collected packages: clippy
Successfully installed clippy-0.6.4

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When i try to install some applications i got this same error.

All you need to do is do a virtual enviroment.


python3 -m venv venv

after that you need to activate de virutal enviroment with this command

source venv/bin/activate

You terminal will had look like this:


So after thath you can try:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

with this, you will install the requirement on the “venv” so you need to use this command

source venv/bin/activate

on your terminal , for the first time, everytime when you wanna start the app


Check out @cazueirobr’s post. I verified this is a new Debian “feature” of requiring virtual environments for each Python project requiring 3rd party (PiPi) packages.