—What is the default password of postgres? I want to connect it with pgadmin but when configuring its postrgres it asks me for a password and I already tried the ones I thought possible.

I have always used mysql but I want to see if I can import .sql databases and start using postgres

  • Parrot version in use: Parrot 5.2 HTB
  • Logs/Terminal output
    su postgres
    su: Authentication failure

by default at install, ‘postgresql’ user has no password set, leave blank…

You can sudo su, and then subsequently (as root), su postgres.


Instead of dropping into psql once postgres you can also createuser --superuser $USER as postgres and then enter the password in the prompt to create a new super user.

If you just want a superuser and don’t need a shell at all, you can even:

sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER as your sudo-enabled user.

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