Pycharm new Python install but can't find it

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Does anyone know why I cannot find my fresh installed version of Python (Python 3.10.10) in my list of Python interpreters in Pycharm?

  • Parrot version in use (if you are not aware of it, open terminal and type cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION):
    VERSION=“5.2 (Electro Ara)”

  • Logs/Terminal output (use pastebin or similar services):

  • Screenshots:

Hi @bertus

So instead of the Python version currently shipping with Parrot (3.9.2), you installed Python 3.10.10? Did you install it as a user package (in your home directory), or install 3.10.10 as sudo/root?

whereis python3

Which format of Pycharm are you using (snap, flatpak, appimage, or compressed archive)?

I installed it from the official site, the tgz file.

I installed Pycharm from the jetbrain toolbox

version 2022.3.2 professional

Thanks for the efforts!


now you know where it is, you need to point PyCharmn to the one you want;

I found that page already, but in the possible selections of interpreters in Pycharm it doesn’t show up.

Do I need to make a $PATH reference to it?

It says that I have to make a reference to the executable, but linux doesn’t work with exe files, I figured

Kindest regards

Not at all, it list the ones it knows about, you have to choose ‘add another interpreter’ → ‘local interpreter’ and then change the file path to the Python 3.10 you want to use and next time it will be available as an interpreter.

One caveat here, the reason Pycharm defaults to 3.9 is for compatability reasons, if you create python code that matches 3.11 for example, it may not run on other peoples systems who haven’t got that newest version installed…

Ok, found it. Using whereis python3 revealed the location of my version. I’m not using 3.11 yet. 3.10 seems quite usable in the moment. I am using it for a Flask project. 3.11 doesn’t work with all Flask packages yet. So I am aware of that. Thanks for your reply.

Kindest regards