Reboot/Shutdown not working, Startup/boot takes a very long time?

The Reboot/Shutdown not working: After executing the reboot/shutdown (through the menu, or “sudo reboot”), it will not actually reboot/shutdown. How to fix this issue?

Startup/boot takes a very long time? After login, a black screen, then it can take several minutes before the launch of the OS? How to fix this issue?

Parrot version in use

VERSION=“5.2 (Electro Ara)”

Kernel version


Is this bare metal install?
VM install?

Do you have any USB devices plugged in that won’t allow shutdown…
Has it done this since first install, or after a recent update…

Bare metal install, yes
No VM, no USB plugged in.

I don’t know why the Shutdown/Reboot is not working. It happened on other ParrotOS-installations also before (with the same computer/installation).

But the Blacksceen/delay at the login is something new… hm

Hi @Zerofield975

I remove some Grub/kernel parameters to avoid the Parrot loading screen. Instead, I see the results of everything loading, failing, or timing out on the screen.

Another way to get the results would be to press the escape key when you see the loading screen in most Linux. That “should” be helpful to track down if some service or device is causing longer boot time.

I’m still learning Linux, but there are ways to access the boot logs as well.

“watchdog0: watchdog was not stopped/reset” (was the error-message, if i remember right)…

watchdog is a systemd process that is supposed to turn system off after a set delay, it was really designed for servers etc…

Edit the file at /etc/default/grub (as root) and add this snippet to the “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX” line:


Then run:


If that doesn’t work, try



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Thank you.

(Checked again): The blackscreen/delay within the boot/startup-process was fixed (after the kernel update), And, the Reboot/shutdown issue was also fixed after the kernel update, although, (still) its not a “instant shutdown/reboot”, now it only takes perhaps 1-2 minutes before reboot/shutdown.

watchdog isn’t needed for a home system, it was designed for remote systems that if they ‘died’ it would reboot the system, thereby saving a drive to a server centre to reboot physically, which of course you can easily do with a home system anyway!

It’s clearly a problem on many systems, causing bootup or close down delays, and the best advice I have seen for disabling it I found on the Arch forums;
edit sysctl.conf

sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf



save file.

To disable watchdog timers (both software and hardware), append nowatchdog to your boot parameters. e.g.

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

add nowatchdog to the kernel line like so:

 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet nowatchdog"

save file, then rebuild grub.cfg:

 sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg reboot
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