Slow Terminal Download Speed

Hey guys,

I’m currently facing an issue where my Parrot OS is downloading at around 1300 Bytes/s

I’ve tried changing my mirror, messing with resolve.conf (my nameserver), and even tried switching between Home Edition & Security Edition which I’m currently using. Even using different ISO formatting tools in case there was an error somewhere I didn’t see. I’m using Ethernet at the moment and have even tried using 2 different wifi adapters.

I’ve read so many forums and watched heaps of videos trying to fix the issue but still nothing. Is it a matter of using an older Parrot OS version

I’m on Version 5.3 Electro Ara

Kernal 6.1.0-1

You could try using the inbuilt update manager, in terminal I use sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.

I dont know which part of the world you are in, but you could look for one of the faster mirror sites but at the end of the day, download speeds are not in any one person/organisation’s control, there can be many reasons why it slows down, speed of the mirror server,load on the mirror server, speed and load on your ISP, amount of traffic using international connections, Your own terminal speed and connection.
have you run a speed check? [ or & or similar.]

I’m in Australia and I’ve tried running that command. I still get no more then 10kb/s, I can try using an South Pacific mirror, but I’ve ran and others multiple times and average anywhere from 45-60mbs. I’ve even using the alfa awuse036 wifi adapter to see if my pc wifi card isn’t working with parrot. I’ll update my mirror list now and see if that helps.

Depending on where in Auz you are it’s now becoming nighttime, the local load on the network should drop off in the next couple of hours, I often have similar problems [from the UK] when downloading from US sites during their daylight hours.

the inxi is not showing any problems, you appear to be using the correct drivers for both the onboard and the USB Wi-Fi also the Ethernet

I am wondering if you have a broken package somewhere. you could try… dpkg --configure -a and run update & upgrade again

I am currently located in Australia and encountered a similar issue. I attempted to resolve it by switching to APAC mirrors, but unfortunately, this did not yield the desired results. Ultimately, I resorted to using Urban VPN to connect to a server located in India. This approach successfully restored the update and upgrade speeds to their normal performance.

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