System get hang anytime

My System get hang suddenly. And I forced to shut down the PC and restart by power key to re-use the system again. It’s really annoying and hampering my works. Is there anyone who had this issue and solved the problem.

I have checked all things. I have 980 mib almost SWAP Space but system doesn’t use it ever.
I think the issue with RAM, cause the issue arise when I have new task started or window open or going to start an another app. I have search for solution but nothing I have.
I have seen some suggestion like: RAM reservation(Some space to prevent over use of RAM) can solve this issue.
But I don’t know the way cause I am new in linux and also in Parrot OS.

Man, i had this same problem.

So i configured a thing called “zram” after that my problem has been solved.

Zram is like a swap more otimezed.

Look at this tutorial on web: How to Configure ZRAM on Ubuntu Linux - Make Tech Easier

Or just search “how configure zram” and read about this tecnology, it is very interesting and i thing is good spent some time reading about it.

Have the another one called “Zswap”… i dont use it, but i think is good you try too.

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Thank you. But, the code provided in that link is not working on my system.
I am using Parrot OS.