Unable to locate package

I just downloaded Parrot OS Security edition, and I’ve been having problems with upgrading and installing on Parrot OS Security edition
For Example:
#apt install term
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package term
Note: Im using a root user, there’s no need for the command sudo.

from terminal
sudo parrot-upgrade to upgrade
whats term ?

When I install Parrot OS then try to install any software the error doesn’t appear but when I update and upgrade my system and try to install then the same error.
Please Help Me…

Hello. This information doesn’t help us much, can you give us more details? Perhaps by providing a screenshot or a description of the error that appears to you.

Hi danterolle
Here is a screenshot of similar errors I am getting. Please help.
Screenshot 2022-04-14 022926
Screenshot 2022-04-14 023529

Hi @guptavikram ,
It is discouraged to use the apt-get command in Debian for ages…

Why don’t you try

sudo apt install php


sudo apt install php-curl

For your required packages?
Please let me know if your issue is solved.
Thank You

Regards Bug Hunter

Hi @Bug_Hunter
Thanks for the reply.

  1. The issue in the third command is now resolved after using:
sudo apt install php-curl
  1. Also, verified issue in the first command in the screenshot:
sudo apt install php8.0

It was showing error because the latest stable release of PHP is 7.4 for Debian for time being https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/php7.4
Thus, it’s better to verify correct package name and its available versions from appropriate repositories to reduce/prevent such Unable to locate package errors.

  1. At last, the error in the second command resolved after using a specific version PHP (7.x), i.e.,
sudo apt install php7.4-curl

Vikram Gupta